Great expectations

With spiritual practice, my life has got quieter and quieter over the last years. Quiet to the point, where life seemed to stand still. I lived from day to day, from moment to moment with no expectations for the future. This was a welcome change to expecting only the worse for myself, not being able to believe on a very deep level great things could ever happen to me. I loved my quiet life, but at the same time felt some resistance, knowing something was missing.

Last week, while listening to Ask And It Is Given by Esther and Jerry Hicks, I felt a tingling sensation in my spine, getting stronger with every passing second. It was not an unfamiliar feeling as I recognized it from a long gone past. All of a sudden, I was about 5 years old again, feeling exited about something that was about to happen. I had not felt this exited in a long time. Always expecting the worse, there was nothing to be exited about. And living from moment to moment, renouncing the future, being exited about a future event did not seem to fit the scope. 

Feeling that tingling sensation, feeling more alive than I had in a very long time, I understood that this was what had been missing from my life. In that moment, I grasped the concept of expecting without expectations. Being here in this moment, creating in my mind a strong image of something wonderful, believing this is possible for me, feeling the exitement of what is about to happen and allowing it to unfold at its own pace, not resisting the flow of Go(o)d to me. Being careful what I wish for, as I’m starting to manifest at light speed.






2 responses to “Great expectations”

  1. Bhiny avatar

    Hi Norea,
    I stumbled across your blog tonight, by accident while looking up “The four agreements” book online. Its so delightful to read your posts and one of them, “Thoughts are just thoughts” that you wrote a few years back brought tears to my eyes.
    I read Eckhart Tolle about 2 years ago now and it has really changed my life then. I fall every now and then back in the “vicious cycle of the ego” but I am more aware than before.
    Commenting on “Great Expectations”, I feel the same way too very often…as in there isnt much to look forward in the future and thus there isnt really any “excitement”…Sometimes I find myself being a bit restless…but it is possibly due to me still clinging to the outside world I suppose 😉
    But then one day I came across a Tao Ching quote that inspired me to “be open to all possibilities” and I find it helps me to bring a bit of that “excitement” back to my life in some situations…
    I thought I would like to share this with you.

    Thanks for your inspiring posts 🙂

  2. norea avatar

    Hi Bhiny,
    Good to see you here. Know that you are always welcome here. Thank you for sharing your story. It means the world to me as it is the reason I started this blog in the first place. Reading Eckhart Tolle and the Tao Te Ching have been lifechanging experiences to me. I have learned that the sheep recognize the voice of their shepherd, meaning that we know the truth when we come across it.
    For the record, I don’t believe in accidents. You stumbled upon this website because there was something for you to be gained from the experience. I know what you mean when you say you feel restless. Being restless simply means your not living the life you intend(ed) to live. I don’t know if your familiar with Abraham Hicks. You can find a lot of videos of their teachings on youtube. Their message is truly inspirational and may be of great help to you.
    Love and Appreciation to you, Hermien

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