Bah humbug!

I hate it! I hate it! I hate it! Doing Morning Pages sucks. And that is exactly why I am committing to doing them for ten weeks straight.

Some new type of sadomasochism? Maybe. I don’t know. All I know is that I have to do this. Now.

Morning pages are nothing new. It’s a particular stream of consciousness that was coined as a practice by Julia Cameron in her book The Artist’s Way in 1992.

First thing every morning, you write about whatever is crossing your mind at that particular time. No matter how mundane, how petty, or dumb. You just write it down. With a pen on paper. Three full pages.

I’ve been journaling for about 20 years now, but this is different. There is no question to guide me, no problem to solve, just thoughts that arise. 

I hate it! Because currently, my thoughts are filled with rage.  I was not aware of this until I read Edith Eger’s The Choice this past week. And all this rage is boiling under the surface, tainting my thoughts. Highly uncomfortable.

Then why do it? And why now? Because I’ve learned to trust my intuition on this point really. Over the years, l’ve learned to recognize the ‘Holy Yes’ within me, and to heed it.

So, for the next ten weeks, I commit to writing my morning pages every single day, and have an artist date every week. A date with myself. To allow myself to be filled with whatever nourishes and inspires my inner child

They say that in order to understand you have to teach. So I’ve decided to write a weekly blog about my process. Right here at I’m planning to post one each Wednesday for the rest of the year.

On Instagram, I’ll be sharing a daily Yay-I-did-my-morning-pages story. And of course, I’ll share my artist date with you. After the date. Because that date is just between me and my inner artist.

If you’ve done the Artist Way, I would love for you to share your experience with us in the comments. Did it work for you? What did it do for you? Is there something you would have loved to know before you started or at the beginning of you journey?

If you haven’t done it, but are curious or want to know more, feel free to ask a question. And I will dig in, or maybe someone else has the perfect answer they are willing to share.

If this resonated with you, then consider sharing it with someone who will love it too or could use it in their lives right now. And while you’re in the flow, you may want to subscribe to my newsletter as well. I’ll send you an email from time to time to keep you in the loop. Don’t worry, I won’t spam you. Scout’s honor.

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4 responses to “Bah humbug!”

  1. Madlen avatar

    Oh, I love morning pages! They bring so much clarity and relief. I did the artist way in a weekly in-person class once and we found out that it’s much harder to do the artist date (nobody managed to keep that going) than the morning pages. Still the writing, reading of a chapter every week, the exercises and sharing sparked some transformations for all of us.

    1. hermien vos avatar
      hermien vos

      Hey Madlen,
      That is good to hear! It absolutely is a process. And I’m hoping it will get easier in the near future. I don’t know what it is, but I always go all in once I decide to do something, and in this case it’s a bit overwhelming. This week, every morning I had a breakthrough, and that is emotionally tiring. I’m really looking forward to it bringing relief. Very curious what it will bring in the long run. Thank you for engaging. It is much appreciated. Much love.

  2. Junnie Starshine avatar
    Junnie Starshine

    I remember doing those morning pages. It’s very healing and revealing to ramble in writing. Good for you Hermien! Nice to see you back. You are a writer, a communicator, a visionary. Bravo, my friend!

    1. hermien vos avatar
      hermien vos

      Hey Junnie,
      Good to see you here. And yesss, it IS good to be back! I missed it, but my well had run dry, or better said, I had blocked it. Very revealing indeed. As you know I’ve been journaling and writing and sharing, and it all has helped me on my journey, but this is something else. I understand very well why I have resisted for so long. I wasn’t ready yet. But it seems now I am, so I’m very curious how it will help me heal even further.
      Thank you for your continuous expression of appreciation and support. Much love.

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