Connectedness. A word that indicates how connected you are. To the internet. To the human web. To friends.
The need to connect or belong seems to be growing. Who are you, if not connected to another? To a degree, it is true that a person is a person through their relationship to others. But how many relationships does one need to feel connected? Need being the pivotal word in that sentence, for it expresses lack of something, a relationship in this case. Need is a state of disconnectedness. A place of scarcity, where one is focused on what one does not want, like feeling alone. Could it be true that we are so desparately trying to connect because we have lost the main Connection? To Self?
What I know for sure. When I am Connected, I feel love, joy and appreciation for all that is. I feel whole. Being Connected, my connectedness comes from a place of wanting. I connect with you because I deeply enjoy sharing this experience with you. Any medium will do.
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