Let go, and let God



I don’t know when or where I heard the expression for the first time. It was years ago and it was Dr. Wayne Dyer who said it. Let go and let God. As with most things that resonate and stick, it was just the beginning of a journey, where I first understood it intellectually, then embraced it emotionally, then experienced it physically and now am starting to live it. And at every point in the journey, the meaning of the words changed slightly and the truth became more apparent.

I recently heard a story of a retired couple who on a Friday lost all their savings. The wife loved checking in on their accounts. That Friday, their accounts were empty. She called the bank so they could reassure her it was a mistake and all would be solved. Yet the banker said there was no mistake, their funds had evaporated, he was truly sorry. The wife panicked, and her husband said to her: we still have our ‘trust’ fund, don’t we? That weekend, they let go and let God. On Monday, the ‘evaporated’ money had mysteriously reappeared, a computer glitch it seemed.

Einstein appears to have said: “There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.” I know this to be true. The glasses through which we choose to see life determines not only what we see, but what we live. Of course, maybe it was ‘just’ a computer glitch, but I choose to live my life as if everything is a miracle. Choosing to see miracles, my life is is abundant beyond measure, because I get to live miracles.

We are vessels of God (or whatever you call the Life force that inspires us to take our first breath), and trust is the carrier. It is as simple as that. When we trust, we allow God to work through us. There is nothing else we have to ‘do’, just be still and trust that all is going according to God’s plan. I have learned through experience that, whether we are aware of it or not, our perception of reality influences what happens next. I have learned that when we love, when we see beauty and perfection, when we trust God to work through us, we create a miraculous reality. I am a mystic, not a physicist, but it looks like our awareness either disrupts or harmonizes the basic fabric this universe is made of. Trust harmonizes, fear disrupts, we get to choose.


Picture by Gloria Cheng






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