Use your imagination

I have discovered why I postpone things like certain phone calls. It is not that I habitually tend to give priority to those things I like better. I’m actually very good at delaying gratification. After putting my daughter to bed, I work my ass of to get my kitchen and living/dining clean and tidy, before I have that craved cup of coffee. So what is the difference between cleaning and making a dreaded phone call? It is not that I like cleaning better, for I don’t, but I’m motivated by how good it feels to sip my coffee overlooking an organized living. Up to now, I did know intellectually discipline only goes so far. Now I understand. To consistently do things I don’t like, I need to be able to motivate myself; to see the big picture beyond a single action, to imagine into detail how I will feel when I have successfully handled that phone call.






2 responses to “Use your imagination”

  1. s a r a avatar

    leerzaam! maar laat ik zelf eens beginnen om me die discipline aan te leren om éérst de keuken aan kant te krijgen en dán pas met de laptop op de bank te duiken… tja, de keuken is om de hoek, dus ik ZIE de rommel niet, maar o wat valt het tegen als ik dan opsta om een kopje thee te gaan halen…

  2. norea avatar

    ‘Laptop’, zei je? Misschien moet je eerst wat aan die internetverslaving doen.. 😉 Zei ik….. ;-(

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