Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
Life Challenge
It has been 8 years since I started my Life Challenge. At the time, it felt as if my life didn’t fit me anymore. I had grown out of it years beforehand, but had not had the courage to fit on a new life. I had become sick with stress and knew deep inside the only way to heal would be to leave my…
Many miles
The feet of the heron, under those bamboo stems, hold the blue body, the great beak above the shallows of the pond. Who could guess their patience? Sometimes the toes shake like worms. What fish could resist? Or think of the cricket his green hooks climbing the blade of grass- or think of camel feet…
A complaint free world
I guess everybody knows someone who’s always complaining. She just goes on and on and on. Nothing ever seems to be right. How I ‘d wish she would just stop whining. Yesterday, someone burst my bubble of holiness. I may not have been complaining about the weather, I sure was complaining about her whining. I honestly…
Change starts at home
Last week, after having lost a board game, I realized that playing that game, not only meant playing by the rules. If I wanted to win, I had to accept it would be a win/lose situation. I didn’t want to lose again, so I used every trick I could think of to beat my opponent’s ass. Which I did, by the…
Warm your heart
When storms have left your heart barren, when life feels cold. May these orange flames warm you, may they open your spirit to all that is beautiful.
Spreading a little link love
“Gratitude helps you to grow and expand; gratitude brings joy and laughter into your life and into the lives of all those around you.” Eileen Caddy I want to return a favor, repay kindness, give some joy and laughter to those who named my blog on theirs. To my dutch readers: verbreed je bloghorizon, ontdek nieuwe bloggers, breng…
What I write I leave behind
People hold on to painful past events long after they happened. I have learned that in order to move forward, I have to let go. Letting go is about acknowledging I cannot change the past, but I can change how I feel about it. It is about forgiveness, accepting a part of me that is…
Where will it lead?
What I choose to do or how I choose to react directly influences what happens next. Different reactions trigger different chains of events. Choosing A will yield different outcomes than choosing B. An eye for an eye, a smile for a smile. Whatever I choose to do, there are always consequences. What I put out…
A question
A voice said, Look me in the stars And tell me truly, men of earth, If all the soul-and-body scars Were not too much to pay for birth. Robert Frost
A good return on investment
I have been depressed for years. Being depressed, I did not feel like doing anything, and the less I did the less I felt capable of doing. There were days when coming out of bed was daunting, going to the store to buy food would equal climbing Mount Everest. Until I recognized how doing little or…
Got any book recommendations?