Category: articles

  • On being a tightrope walker

        This week, I’ve been thinking a lot about what I perceive balance to be. To me, balance is a sweet spot where I move through life easily, where I find it easy to connect to the dream that is living in my heart and live it. Life feels natural and good, really good.…

  • Walking a tightrope

        Somehow most years come with a theme for me. Where last year’s theme was healing, this year’s theme is balance. I need balance to function optimally, to live my best life. I’m guessing that’s universal. The ingredients, most likely, are universal too – nurturing foods, rest, exercise, quiet time, play time. But what…

  • Living with purpose

          I remember really wanting to go to Art School. Instead I ended up studying French Linguistics and Literature. For all the wrong reasons. After a year of pushing myself, I knew  I made a humongous mistake, but not wanting to rock the boat, I continued to the point where I got my…

  • Learning to evolve naturally

          Over the last weeks, I mentioned the vision we all have for ourselves, a deeply personal vision of all we can be. This vision is not a constructed idea of all that we think we should be, do and have, it rather is growing despite of it. I believe we are governed…

  • Letting go of the need for things to happen NOW

        In the past weeks, I always had an article up my sleeve. This week, I came to the shocking conclusion that I had run out of articles in a week where most of my time had already been allocated. Tuesday, I started writing frantically. Everything I tried didn’t work. With every minute that…

  • Learning to pause when it matters most

        In the previous posts, I’ve discussed overexpectation and overgeneralization as cues to stop thinking and start feeling. The last cue I’ll be discussing (for now) is overreaction. I’ve saved this cue for last, as it is the trickiest. It is a broad subject. You could even say that overexpectation and overgeneralization are forms…

  • Pause Obstacle no2: overgeneralization

        In part 7 in this series on letting go, we covered overexpectation and how to deal with it in a way that is empowering. In this part, we’re going to do the same for overgeneralization. While a generalization is unspecific, most generalizations are true (like this one). Overgeneralizations, on the other hand, are…

  • Pause Obstacle no1: overexpectation

        Welcome to part 7 in this series on letting go. If you’re new, here’s part 1 and if you missed one, here’s part 6. Let’s bring to memory part our first session of the Mind Agility Training. I asked you: If the training field were to represent your life, what course are you…

  • The Pause Obstacles

        Welcome to part 6 in this series on letting go. (if you’re new, go to part 1 or if you missed getting out of the thread wheel go to part 5) In the past two articles, I did write on letting go, and although I recommend you read them if you want to learn…

  • Let it Flow

        Letting go is a process of releasing what is weighing us down and consequently holding us back. Letting go is the releasing of energy that we have stored in our bodies and minds. When we resist something, the energy contained in the event is stored. Everything is energy vibrating at different levels. Everything…