Category: articles

  • Say YES!

        My experience is that the process of letting go can’t be forced, only allowed by welcoming EVERYTHING that happens in your life as an opportunity to let go of thoughts and emotions that aren’t working for you. I have made it my primary intent to let go of anything that holds me back…

  • Getting out of the tread wheel

        (part 5 in a series on letting go, click here to read part 1 or part 4) Most of us have a hard time accepting. Somehow we feel that by accepting something we don’t like, we give it our stamp of approval. Or worse, accepting equals hitting the like button. That is not…

  • The Sway Bridge

        (part 4 in a series on The Art of Letting Go, click here for part 1 or part 3) In this test your dog is on one side of a sway bridge. You know the kind that always wobbles. Your dog tried one paw on the first step and decided it isn’t going…

  • The Mind Agility Training

        (part 3 in a series on the art of letting go, click here for part 1 and part 2) Welcome to the mind agility training. As you may know, dog agility is a fun sport for intelligent dogs and their owners. The goal is for the dog to cross an obstacle course as…

  • The mind whisperer

        (part 2 in a series on the art of letting go, click here for part 1) Your rational mind closely resembles a dog in some perspectives. In the dog world, a pack follows a leader. When a dog owner is unwilling to be the leader of the pack, the dog will exhibit dominant…

  • The art of letting go

      Recently, at a party, a dear friend said, “people always say well-meaningly I have to ‘let go’. It doesn’t help me, I don’t know how to do that.” I fear I inadvertedly was one of those well-meaning friends. I want to make it right. It appears that the subject of letting go is surrounded…

  • An unfolding of the heart

        One of the most important lessons Life has taught me is that when you are open, when you surrender to the unfolding of Life, the most amazing things happen. Having made it my primary intention to allow the flow of Life to lead me, I have lived some really cool stuff. And yet,…

  • Life is good! On attributing new meaning to negative experiences.

          Yesterday, during a conversation with a dear friend, I realized that the one thing that has impacted my life most was coming to understand that I have a choice how to view my life. We were talking about unpleasant experiences in our life that happened outside of our control but that left…

  • Smell lingers

        Coming home from a three and a half week long vacation, we were in for a surprise.  At first sight everything looked as we left it. A closer look revealed a small glitch: the clock on the oven wasn’t working. We went to the meter cupboard and discovered that the GFI (or RDC)…

  • A Libran’s balancing act

        It has been over 3 months since I wrote my last entry. I’m kind of shocked it has been so long, and at the same time, it feels like I wrote it in an other lifetime. And I guess I did. My life has changed in ways, I could not have imagined if…