Category: articles
On decluttering my life
A box standing at the foot of my bed. Symbol of what is happening in my life. I have been meaning to put it in the attic, but things have changed, and I now will bring it to charity instead. Someday. Soon. But not today. I’m not ready yet. In the box is nothing of…
The missing piece
All my life, I’ve watched in awe how people around me seemed to take life so easily, how they took life less seriously, were less easily upset and did every thing with greater ease. My awe turned into frustration when it became apparent that I could not keep up with them. They had flourishing careers,…
We scare because we care
Have you ever seen the movie Monsters, Inc.? It is a briliant DreamWorks movie about, you guessed correctly, monsters. Monsters that hide in your closet and come out at night to scare the hell out of you. Monsters that will try to scare you to the max, because the harder we scream the more energy…
Growing pains
In stead of climbing the carreer ladder, I have been given the opportunity to climb the spiritual ladder. It didn’t net me a wonderful position, a great salary, or outside validation. What it did bring me however is priceless. From being an insecure young woman with a death wish, I went to being a self-assured…
Ain’t no mountain high enough
Two weeks ago, for the first time in my life, I felt the full alignment of me and ME. The feeling was undescribable. Everything clicked. I felt this amazing sense of peace and oneness. I felt perfect and whole, I felt worthy. What a feeling! Wow! It lasted exactly one day. Then, part of it…
I AM who I AM
I’ve come a long, loooooong way. And yet, somehow, I never get where I want to be. With every destination I reach, my horizon expands and I’ll find myself en route again toward an even better destination. Where, at first, I found this road never-endingly frustrating, I’ve finally come to appreciate this process of constant…
What do YOU believe?
Letting go of my religion, was a rather resolute act. I was in my mid-twenties and unaware of the conflict my religious beliefs were creating in my head and heart. I was part of a very structured belief system, that not only included dogmas, but also involved a large part of my social life as…
What kind of milk carton are you?
Imagine two full milk cartons. Now imagine punching holes in one of the milk cartons. The milk is pooring out, and doesn’t stop until it has reached the lowest hole. Your assignment is to fill the carton with milk again, to the top. What do you do? I imagine you would think of a way…
True colors
Resistance is born when we don’t allow ourselves to be our best selves. We all have an image in our hearts of what our best self is like, how he/she looks, feels, acts, what he/she does and has. This image feels natural and most of all very good. We feel good when we allow ourselves…
The path of least resistance
Growing up, life was centered around imperative principles. There were the ten commandments, and many other rules from the bible one should follow. Not living up to them meant commiting a sin. Nowadays, I choose to live without principles. That doesn’t mean I dismiss moral imperatives as useless, I actually think most long surviving instructions…