Category: articles

  • See the best, dismiss the rest.

    My 4-year-old daughter has a boy in her class, she doesn’t like. According to her, he just isn’t very nice. When she talks about him, you would think she’s an angel and he’s a demon in the flesh. The other day, I said to her that he must have positive aspects too; I had noticed…

  • Are you game?

    It’s been over a month since the play began and what I’ve learned in these last weeks is that although play comes in different forms, the energy of play is always the same.  When there is play, there is no resistance. Playing means letting go of preconceived notions, of musts and shoulds. It means being…

  • Let the play begin

    Energy is one of those fleeting things in my life. One moment, I have it in abundance, the other it is gone. I just cannot seem to get a grip on it. Instead of getting frustrated and letting it ruin my mood, I now just go with the flow. I enjoy the slow rhythm of…

  • Full disclosure.

    When I turned thirty, I celebrated life. I celebrated the gift of choice. I celebrated the turn-around from wanting to die to wanting to live. I got healthy, both body and mind. I was strong and flexible in most areas of my life. Life got better and better. It got good to the point where, on…

  • A tree is known by its fruit

    Each tree is recognized by its own fruit. People do not pick figs from thornbushes, or grapes from briers.‘ – Luke 6:44 Last time, I wrote about doing The Work. As the method suggests I filled in a ‘judge-your-neighbor’ worksheet. I let my ego run the show uncensoredly. No matter how petty or ugly it was, I wrote it…

  • The Work

    Most people perceive me to be, among a lot of other things, a loving, peaceful person. And I am. With most people, most of the time. Yet, there is one person who pushes all my buttons. When I meet him, I immediately get tense. I expect the worse and my mind starts making up all…

  • Eager anticipation

    I have an amazing daughter, Ella. She’s three and on November 30, she will turn four. Quite a monumental age, and although she will agree on that with you, it doesn’t make it in comparison to Sinterklaas‘ birthday, who’ll turn 1732 only five days later. For most kids, 5 december is the most exciting day of…

  • I love Life

    I love experiencing firsthand that good feelings attract more good feelings. I love that everything is constantly getting better in my life. I love the reality that I’m creating. I love feeling good for no reason. I love that feeling of flow and the expansion it causes in my body. I even love feeling off, for it is so…

  • The story of a lifetime

    Standing at the foot of a 2200-year old Sequoia, taking in its hugeness, I was moved to tears. This tree had risen to the occasion. It had survived forest fires and massive changes to its habitat. Although its crown had  been severed, it was still far over 300 feet.  Touching its bark, feeling its powerful energy, I was…

  • Connectedness

    Connectedness. A word that indicates how connected  you are. To the internet. To the  human web. To friends. The need to connect or belong seems to be growing.  Who are you, if not connected to another? To a degree, it is true that a person is a person through their relationship to others. But how many relationships does one need to…