Category: articles

  • Life unfolding

    Life is the unfolding of unlimited potential. Life happens if you let it.

  • Singletasking

    Nowadays, I simply try to do one thing at a time. When I’m washing my hands I try to focus on doing just that, washing my hands. Not thinking about everything I will do after I’ve washed my hands, not chewing on the remark you made earlier today. Just feeling the slippery film of soap between…

  • Life is a Mirror

    The way I feel. The food I eat. The clothes I wear. The books I read. The chair I sit in. The look on your face. They are reflections of me. When I look around. What do I see? Nourishment? Scarcity? Love? Abundance? Disapproval? What does this say about me? Through my five senses I…

  • Thoughts are just thoughts

    One of first things that opened my mind to a different view of reality was the concept of illusion. In The Four Agreements, Don Miguel Ruiz calls it mitote, fog or smoke. When I was I child, I learned to see the world through the eyes of my parents, my teachers, and society as a whole. I learned to…

  • Full circle

    It is strange how sometimes things just seem to come together. Somewhat more than a week ago, I decided to throw out all conceptions I had about myself. From the moment I did, it has been almost silent in my head. My inner-critic seems to have taken a vacation. The world has become a lighter…

  • Thy will be done

    Some years ago, I learned that the world as we experience it is colored by our perceptions. Since, I’ve been questioning my world. I questioned my roles in relationships, my beliefs during discussions and I tried to question myself. The latter constantly seemed to elude me. Everytime, I thought I was on to something, it dissipated…

  • Spring green

    So pure and fresh, only new beginnings tend to be. This spring, the soul awakens to a renewed me. Open to my own evolution, this spirit will soar.

  • A soul’s journey

    At this stage in my life I repeat endlessly the same words to my one-year old daughter. Car, dog, cat… even when we’re driving on the highway, or taking a walk in the parc at dog walking hour. I read the same books, over and over again, imitating all kinds of farm animals (I do the…

  • True love

    My love and I go back a long time. Almost 18 years, more than half of my life. I met him when I was 17 and  I married him at 22. Looking back, I was young and naive, believing this relationship would fix anything that wasn’t working, believing I needed him to make me whole.  As you might imagine, it has…

  • The teachings of a hedgehog

    Whenever I start something new, the first thing I do is read. These last weeks, working on a concept for a business, I read a lot of management bestsellers, including Good to Great by Jim Collins. In this book I found a proven model for creating a business, called the Hedgehog Concept. It is inspired by the…