Tag: frustration
Extreme weather
Yesterday, my psychological and emotional state resembled the weather in the Netherlands. The weather forecast had predicted unstable weather. The royal meteorological instituted had even had released an extreme weather alert. The forecast revealed to be rather accurate. At the end of the day, we had heavy rain, strong wind gusts and some…
Growing pains
In stead of climbing the carreer ladder, I have been given the opportunity to climb the spiritual ladder. It didn’t net me a wonderful position, a great salary, or outside validation. What it did bring me however is priceless. From being an insecure young woman with a death wish, I went to being a self-assured…
Ain’t no mountain high enough
Two weeks ago, for the first time in my life, I felt the full alignment of me and ME. The feeling was undescribable. Everything clicked. I felt this amazing sense of peace and oneness. I felt perfect and whole, I felt worthy. What a feeling! Wow! It lasted exactly one day. Then, part of it…