Tag: gratitude

  • Happiness on demand

        As you may or may not know by now, I was raised in a rather strict christian environment. And although lots of rules and ideas did not feel right and clashed with what I believed God to be, the essence of faith rang so true with me, that all the other things for…

  • You reap what you sow

     Years of saying to myself ‘This is not personal’ when people (or life for that matter) were behaving differently than I wanted has opened up my life in ways I could  have never imagined. I have learned that the fruit of not taking life personally is to live free of expectations. This, to me, is nothing short of a miracle.…

  • Many miles

    The feet of the heron, under those bamboo stems, hold the blue body, the great beak above the shallows of the pond. Who could guess their patience? Sometimes the toes shake like worms. What fish could resist? Or think of the cricket his green hooks climbing the blade of grass- or think of camel feet…

  • Spreading a little link love

    “Gratitude helps you to grow and expand; gratitude brings joy and laughter into your life and into the lives of all those around you.”  Eileen Caddy   I want to return a favor, repay kindness, give some joy and laughter to those who named my blog on theirs. To my dutch readers: verbreed je bloghorizon, ontdek nieuwe bloggers, breng…